Course Description

This is a list of 303 business, entrepreneurship and education-based online blogs and magazines that I have curated over the past few years.

Many of these have published my articles in the past, and could for you to!

The list is downloadable and in the format of an editable Excel sheet for your use.

It includes the following columns:

  • Blog/Magazine Name
  • Category
  • Location
  • Description
  • Contact person first name
  • Contact person last name
  • Email address
  • Blog/magazine URL

Screenshot of the excel sheet below:

I do guarantee that any of these will accept your articles of course - I do not control any aspect of other people's businesses, nor could I ever say whether or not they will publish your work.  

I also cannot be held responsible if they change their contact details, contact people or stop accepting guest articles.  

All I CAN tell you is that their sites stated that they accepted guest articles at the time that I put this list together.

I also trust that you will make yourself aware of and adhere to the spam and privacy laws in your country.  How you use this list is your own responsibility and I, nor MainTraining accept any liability for your use of these contacts (which were curated from publically available contact details).  

Please use respectfully, legally and responsibly.  

Otherwise, I am certain that grabbing this list will save you hours and hours of time and lots of money in having to create it all yourself!

A super short cut and headstart on your journey to guest blogging!

Good luck! / Entrepreneur to EDUpreneur Facebook Group

Sarah Cordiner (BA Hons Ed & PGCE Ed)

Course curriculum

  • 01

    All courses have now moved to, which is hosted on TekMatix. Please login there to access your training. If you are having any trouble logging in or accessing your courses, please contact me at [email protected]

    • All courses have now moved to, which is hosted on TekMatix. Please login there to access your training. If you are having any trouble logging in or accessing your courses, please contact me at [email protected]

  • Contact List of Business Blogs for Guest Blogging


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